In the beginning of Hocus Pocus, a 17th-century boy named Thackery Binx is transformed into an immortal black cat when he fails to rescue his sister from the Sanderson witches. After the witches were hanged, abandoned by his family who could not recognise him as a cat, Binx made it his duty to guard the witches cottage every Halloween to prevent them from ever returning.
On the front zipper pocket of this backpack, a plush Thackery Binx curls up next to the Black Flame Candle. Up above, the Sanderson Sisters cottage appears under a starlit sky while the sisters soar on their brooms near a full moon. Turn the bag around to find a debossed cauldron displaying the phrase, Its just a bunch of hocus pocus.
This bag is an officially licensed Disney product.
Approximate bag dimensions: 22.8cm W x 26cm H x 11cm D (Width is measured across the bottom of the bag.)