Star Wars The Retro Collection Biker Scout 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure

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A remake of the classic 1983-1984 Return of the Jedi action figure line from Kenner! Biker Scouts weaved through the Endor forest at breakneck speed, trying to outrun the Rebels and warn the shield generator station of the enemy's presence. The Star Wars The Retro Collection Biker Scout 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure looks like it fell out of a portal from 1983! The Kenner Return of the Jedi action figure is back with 1980s-influenced packaging and his original gray blaster pistol. All the trooper armor is there, complete with the distinctive helmet. You won't want to miss your chance to build a squad or add them to your old Speeder Bike toys! Ages 4 and up.

Star Wars The Retro Collection Biker Scout 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure